Dr Lisa’s chiropractic journey started after an injury as a teenager. Her curiosity was sparked by the health benefits she experienced beyond pain relief, and it inspired her to enrol at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic (NZCC). After graduating in 2011 with a Bachelor of Chiropractic, she became part of the NZCC academic team for 11 years, working as a lecturer, mentor and course coordinator.

Born in Taiwan and raised in New Zealand, Dr Lisa is fluent in English and Mandarin. She is passionate about helping her community thrive and reach their health goals through chiropractic care. Dr Lisa enjoys spending time with her husband Josh, toddler Gabriel, and fur baby Ellie. On weekends you’ll spot them in local parks sampling coffee and reviewing playground slides!

Lisa醫師的脊椎矯正療法之旅是在十九歲時受傷後開始的。她的好奇心被她所體驗到的健康益處所激發, 並促使她就讀紐西蘭脊椎矯正療法學院 (NZCC)。

在2011年獲得脊椎矯正療法學士學位後,她受聘于 NZCC 的學術團隊長達十一年,擔任講師,診所指導師和課程協調員。

Lisa 醫師出生於台灣,在紐西蘭長大,精通英語和普通話。她熱衷於通過脊椎矯正療法去幫助她的社區蓬勃發展並實現他們的健康目標。

Lisa 醫師喜歡與她的丈夫Josh, 調皮的兒子Gabriel 和毛小孩 Ellie 共渡親子時光。在週末,您會在當地公園看到他們品嚐咖啡和在遊樂場玩耍。