chiro glen waverley

Dr Maria’s passion for becoming a chiropractor was inspired by the amazing changes her parents experienced after receiving chiropractic care for chronic back pain.

She graduated from New Zealand College of Chiropractic in 2009 and moved to Australia in 2010 when she joined the WCCC family.

Being Taiwanese born, she can communicate in Mandarin/Taiwanese. She provides a unique niche in helping Asian migrants with English barriers seek quality spinal healthcare. She also offers extensive knowledge about how to help our patients sleep better, live better for life in her role as WCCC’s resident sleep consultant.

She lives and breathes a healthy lifestyle. When she is not in the clinic, you’ll likely find her in the gym, or cooking/baking for friends and family. It would be fair to say that her world revolves around food! 



   她出生於台灣,能用普通話(中文)/ 台灣話與您溝通,幫助有英語溝通問題而又需要質量好的脊椎矯正護理的亞洲移民,身為 WCCC的一位有關於睡眠方面問題的顧問,她也提供患者有關於如何睡得更好,得到更好生活品質的延伸知識.
