Can I have confidence in what Chiropractors do?

Chiropractors are registered by the Chiropractic Board of Australia and like all other registered health care providers, must adhere to National Law and profession specific codes of conduct and guidelines. An October 2015 Position Statement by the Board acknowledged that chiropractic paediatric management education is provided by all accredited Australian Universities, this incorporated an understanding of risks where identified and emphasised established clinical best practice guidelines for the treatment of children. There are gaps in the knowledge base in relation to the chiropractic care of children and more research is needed. What remains unchanged is that chiropractic care is safe for children and is delivered by educated, regulated healthcare professionals. In addition, given the patient-centric nature of chiropractic care, there is high expressed satisfaction by parents/guardians seeking care of their children. The profession is committed to ensuring evidence informed care is provided to patients.